Hey friend!

For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved getting dressed. I know, that may sound strange to some, because many people love fashion or love clothes, shoes or accessories, and most people hate getting dressed. But me? I love the process.

As a child, anytime I was in trouble, I can almost guarantee the reason was the same... I was running up the water bill with my laundry pile. After school I’d change 2-3 times per day, into full looks. My favorite? A two-piece, plaid skirt suit that made me look like a corporate secretary, but feel like the CEO. I loved putting on a power outfit, but also playing around with my new clothes and creating outfits i’d drawn up in my head. When I looked good, I felt good. And that still rings true.

It was always about the process for me. And to this day, it still is.

I want to help you fall in love with the process of getting dressed, too.

In the age of the influencer, WFH, luxury and spandex, building a wardrobe you love that is actually functional seems almost impossible. Because when am I wearing a crystal fringe crop top and how many places can I wear a spandex two-piece set?

So I decided to create a comprehensive guide to create a fabulous and functional wardrobe, effortlessly and affordably. Because when you look good, you feel good. And when you feel good, you look even better.

It’s time you fell in love with getting dressed.